Dear Editor,
This is your wake up call, Kingman.
The first shots in a war to take control of city government have been fired by bureaucrats in city offices. They are going to attempt to change the terms of elected city officials. The method used will be the referendum. This will make the attempt seem to be a citizen-drive issue. Sneaky of them, isn’t it?
Their stated purpose, “To increase political stability by increasing the time the mayor holds office.”
The effect of such a move is actually to remove you, the voting citizen, from the process as much as possible. This would give the politician more time to try to bypass your desires. Remember the Rattlesnake Wash and violations of open meeting laws (They were challenged on this by the Attorney General’s office).
Remember, you must always suspect the motives of any politician or bureaucrat who tells you “this will be good for you.” The very next time it is ‘good’ for you will be absolutely the first time you benefit.
Get organized, people! Attend city council meetings. Question your elected officials. Stop this before it goes too far.
Ben Jones, Chloride