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Robert “Bob” Leon Duncan

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ARPA update: Less than half of county allocation has been designated

MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave County has allocated less than half of the $41.5-million of its share of the $1.9-million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) signed into law by President Joe Biden in March, 2021. It’s essentially stimulus money, helping communities rebound from pandemic related economic challenges while funding a myriad of projects and improvements across the nation.

$362-million of the massive funding package flowed to state and local government. Mohave County Manager Sam Elters updated local ARPA accounting figures during Monday’s Board of Supervisors meeting.

“To date, $28.5-million has been programmed. Of that money that is programmed, $11.7-million has been incurred, which equates to about 41% of it,” Elters reported to the Board. “The remaining $12.7-million is to be programmed. The board and staff are working on those projects.”

Elters said supervisors have until Dec. 31 of next year to program the remainder of the funding and until the end of 2026 to complete the allocation process.

Mohave County supervisors decided in April, 2021 to equally divide the local pot of money for board members to allocate within their supervisorial districts, leaving each supervisor with about $8.1-million to distribute under federal guidelines and restrictions governing the ARPA program.

Anyone interested can visit the Mohave County website ( and click on the ARPA Dashboard link on the homepage. A detailed accounting of ARPA expenditures, district by district, is available for review.

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