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Training event scheduled for online tax deed process

MOHAVE COUNTY –  On January 22, the Board of Supervisors approved setting an online Tax Deed Sale to begin Monday, April 8, and ending on Wednesday, April 10.  In accordance with A.R.S. § 42-18303.A. . . .the board of supervisors may sell the real property in the county held by the state by tax deed to the highest bidder . . . and the sale may include a live auction or an online bidding process in which the board receives bids electronically over the internet in a real time, competitive bidding event.

On March 4, the Board approved a contract for Tax Deeded Land Sales for Mohave County with, L.L.C. to facilitate the online auction.  According to Ginny Anderson, Clerk of the Board, “RealTaxDeed is a web-based service that moves the sale of the Mohave County tax deed property to the internet creating a convenience for the bidders.”

In an effort to keep interested parties fully informed on the bidding process, the Clerk of the Board in conjunction with will be offering Online Tax Deed Training on Tuesday, March 19, at 9:00 a.m.  The training will introduce the concept of online tax deed sales and review the use of the software.  Interested parties must preregister for the training by calling 877-361-7325 or by emailing

The online auction site ( will be accessible beginning Monday, March 18.

While training is not mandatory in order to participate in the bidding process it will help to avoid any confusion on deposits, bidding, what to do if you are the winning bidder and other general questions. 

General information on the tax deed sale can be accessed at the Clerk of the Board’s web page at or by phone at 928-753-0731.

General questions regarding over the counter deposits and/or payments can be addressed by the Mohave County Treasurer’s Office at 928-753-0737.

General questions regarding the online auction site can be addressed by calling 877-361-7325 or by emailing