LAKE HAVASU CITY – The Lake Havasu City Council meeting was on Tuesday, Nov. 28. The meeting opened with Mayor Sheehy and board members awarding three heroes of the community.
About two weeks ago, Parks and Recreations employees John Schwing, Andrew Hartman, and Tyler McCoy were hanging lights at Lake Havasu’s Wheeler Park when they saved and individual from committing suicide. The mayor awarded the gentlemen with Lake Havasu Employee Heroes certificates along with a key to the city, the highest honor for recognition in Lake Havasu.
City Manager Jess Knudson invited the community to the 20th annual Community Dinner. This is a holiday occasion that is free to the public with two serving times. For early bird guests, doors will open at 3:30 p.m., seating will be at 4 p.m.
Later, doors will be open at 5:45 p.m. with seating at 6 p.m. Both mealtimes can feed 500 per seating and are first-come, first-serve. This event will be on Friday, Dec. 8 at the Aquatic Center with Santa Clause making an appearance.
A lease agreement with London Bridge Resort was passed by council members. The agreement will be to use the stage under the London Bridge. The agreement will also include that the resort must maintain the Bridgewater Channel.
Phaedra Veronique