Dear Editor,
We hear so much on mixed requests and vague statistics from government and news, on masking, etc., especially about our children. Parents need to know more specific facts to decide what is best for their children, especially on masking and school. The following are published facts from the CDC and child stats.gov. (You can pull this up yourself) Report as of Aug. 4, 2021: Week starting Jan. 4, 2020 and ending July 31, 2021 (19 months). For some reason no one seems to put any of these statistics up for us to review and make decisions.
Child deaths ages 0 – 4: 128; ages 5 – 18: 288 (total 416) from COVID-19.
Population of children in the U.S. ages 0 – 5: 23.6 million; ages 5 – 11: 24 million; ages 12 – 17: 25 million. 416 deaths divided by 73 million children is .0000057% (if my math is correct). Deaths from COVID-19 are so miniscule in relation to the child population. Note: 2019 – 2020 flu deaths were 188 reported in this same age group ages 0 – 18. I hope this helps.
Richard Penwarden