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Lying loser Trump has lost his marbles

Dear Editor,

“He’s a storyteller. A bad one. And he’s lost his marbles.” — Donald O.J. Trump (October 8, 2024)

Any suggestions of censorship by inveterate conservative complainers should be mocked, ridiculed, then ignored – much like the stages of defeat that diabolical Donald Trump is going through on his way to incarceration at Club Fed.

Why are folks who are clearly partisan Republicans demanding that the American media censor itself?  You do of course realize the fact that Putin’s puppet Donald Trump is a convicted felon who is to be criminally sentenced in November is not some sort of secret.  If you can’t handle the First Amendment, then consider moving to Moscow.

You’re probably already a fan of Vladimir Putin as it is, GOP (Greedy Old Perverts).  And speaking of Putin puppets, Ronald McDonald Trump is done!  Can you say President Kamala Harris, you Kool-Aid drinking Trump cult members?  If not, you’ll learn how, whether you personally approve or not.

And you’re probably fake outraged too that this esteemed publication would dare to print the name of the 31-year-old woman that 78-year-old Donald Trump is reportedly currently having an open extramarital affair with, LAURA LOOMER who recently said the following about traitor Trump’s little lickspittle Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): 

“Lindsey Graham has never been loyal to President Trump.  When is Lindsey coming out of the closet?  We all know you’re gay, Lindsey… and that’s OK.”

Jacob Pickering