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Single vehicle fatality in Meadview

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Celebrate CTE Month with Mohave Community College

MOHAVE COUNTY – February is National Career and

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Mohave Community College celebrates Adult Education Program students

MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College is celebrating the

Musk’s minions and Oligarchy

Dear Editor, So, we think the tech minions

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Andy Devine ADA Project Update

KINGMAN – A partial street closure of Andy Devine Avenue (Ella’s Place), adjacent to the Mohave Museum, will be required for the continuing construction of the Andy Devine Ave. ADA project starting Monday morning, February 10; barring any weather delays. The south-east bound lane of Andy Devine Ave. from the intersection of Beale Street to Route 66 will be closed to traffic for approximately two weeks. A detour route around the construction zone will be provided to both motorists and pedestrians. 

The city would like to remind all travelling public to use caution when travelling through construction zones, and to obey all traffic signage.

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