Dear Editor,
After reading Thomas Droessler’s letter in the March 25 edition of The Standard, the disturbing thought is he’s probably right. Trump will be elected for another term, which just goes to prove once again P.T. Barnum was right, there IS one born every minute!
Over and over we see Trump lie to the American public, and yet his base believes and supports him. Note how he has cleaned the swamp! People come and go in his administration, some go directly to prison, and oh yes, the Mueller investigation was a waste of time and money. As I recall, it was the major reason Gates, Papadopolis, Flynn, Manafort, Stone and Cohen were exposed as worthy of time behind bars.
What was once a swamp is now officially a cesspool. Incompetent people come and go quickly after living up to their incompetency
Mr. Droessler, what we do not need is more years of Trump after Trump running this country. Consider this, the Trump campaign is threatening to sue televisions stations which air ads from Priority USA which show various clips of Trump telling falsehoods (misinformation) about coronavirus to a gullible American audience. They are his own words, coming out of his own mouth, yet they want to sue. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! And his base still believes, astoundingly Unbelievable.
Lloyd Dickson