Dear Editor,
My name is Elliot Chalew, and I have made it my passionate mission to enhance the quality of life, making it better for the people of Kingman. I began this mission about 18 months ago, and it soon became clear the last thing the Kingman City Council wanted was to advance the direct and immediate needs of our residents but rather advance their special interest agenda. The welfare of rank-and-file citizens continues to diminish under the false premise Economic Development is the magic CURE-ALL for the people while we are forced to wallow in a broken-down infrastructure.
There are many facets to the interconnecting and moving parts of community infrastructure: sustainable water, power, roads, sewer, and law enforcement, to mention just a few of the most important. I believe one of the most urgent, most serious critical services is sufficient and sustainable medial service and providers. Of all things, our city and county leaders raise their hands above their heads, dance in a circle, and scream, “Not our job.” Research says otherwise, and medical services are, in fact, one the most critical fundamental and primary infrastructure.
If you have ever tried to make an appointment to see a medical doctor in Kingman, you know the widespread angst and frustration. When you are sick, hurting, and need help, you tend to feel alone and isolated in the wilderness. We are all forced to wait months to see a doctor, sometimes even in life-or-death situations. The Kingman Regional Medical Center ER has become the default mechanism. The city of Kingman is a “Common Law” City operating under a Council/Manager form of government. As a Common Law City, business is conducted under Title 9 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. To assist in the conduct of business, the Kingman Common Council has elected to form various advisory boards, committees, and commissions. Kingman has a Golf Commission and a dozen other commissions, but they don’t care enough about your health to have a Medical Care Commission. I am formally proposing the City of Kingman form a Public Health Care Commission. Sadly, the KRMC Citizen Board has become almost defunct, bucking up against Kingman’s Special Interest lobbies. Your health and welfare remain secondary to the almighty dollar while the city leaders tee off at the golf course.
The will and the direction of our city leaders are stubbornly resistant to change; they have become the epitome of the definition of die-hard while they callously turn the other eye, watching our sick and elderly die harder.
Elliott Chalew
Citizens Against Uncontrolled Social Environment (CAUSE)
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