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The meaning of Christmas

New Christian Bible, open to Psalm 23, sits on the pulpit of the historic Palmer Chapel in Cataloochee, North Carolina, preserved in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

All around us are the sights and sounds of Christmas. Carols or Christmas classics are being played over the sound systems of department stores. Trees and decorations are displayed as some boast a ‘50% OFF’ sale before Christmas has even arrived. The ‘holy-day’ has become so commercialized that all attention has been turned away from the true purpose of Christmas.

It is difficult for me to believe, but in America, there are so many people that have no idea as to the true origin of Christmas. Nor, do they know what Christ is about. Several years ago, my wife Lynda and I had gone to visit with a woman who was 82 years of age. When we asked her about her relationship with Jesus, she replied: “I don’t know but I think He has something to do with Christmas.”

Wow! Although we reeled at such a statement, the truth remains that there are many people that could not say anything more because they have never heard the gospel message. Their understanding is that Christmas is a time for gift-giving, parties and getting together with friends and family for food and fellowship. Sadly, even we as Christians often get so caught up in all the trappings of the season that our focus is turned away to less important things.

Christmas is about the Babe of Bethlehem that grew to become the Christ of Calvary. The apostle Paul wrote to those who seemed to have forgotten this very fact. He wrote: “But when the fulness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

Before the birth of Christ, God had been silent for 400 years. The nation Israel had basically turned their backs on God, though they continued with the many ritualistic sacrifices and traditions. But in the fullness of time, when the nation had struggled hard to keep the unkeepable laws, God sent forth His Son as the Incarnation of God that He might reveal the Father unto mankind. Rather than struggling to be righteous in the strength of our own flesh, Jesus cam forth as the righteousness of God. Through faith in His name, man who was alienated from God, was able to enter into a relationship in which all who believe were made to become sons of God, and heir to His promise of life.

So, this Christmas, think not of the trappings of a holiday that is plagued by commercialism, but think of a ‘holy-day’ as you honor God the Father, and Jesus Christ His Son. Christmas is not all about what we want, but about what God gave: He gave His Son that we might have life!

  • Pastor Jerry L. Dunn, Oak Street Baptist Church

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