Dear Editor,
Over the past three years I have watched the justice system fail people who need help. I have seen people be put on probation and the probation department of Kingman overlook the violations of probation time and time again. Yes, they will violate the person on probation and it goes in front of a judge. What does the judge do? Give a slap on the wrist with no real consequences. It becomes an endless cycle.
Just recently there was a woman who was violated on her probation. This case went back in front of the judge. The probation department pushed for this woman to be sent to prison not because they wanted to truly punish her, or keep her away from drugs, but because the probation department no longer wanted to deal with her. She was given four months in the AZDOC, and maybe if any very little time will be given to her on parole. This woman has not been given the help she needs, she is just being pawned off onto another department to be someone else’s problem.
This is what our system thinks is the answer? It is so disheartening to see this happen time and time again. When this woman returns she will be left to her own devices to just continue the endless cycle of being arrested, going back on probation and back in front of judges who will do nothing to truly keep her safe from herself.
When do these judges see the light that slaps on the wrist and endless court dates are not the answer?
How does four months in a prison help someone who has been an addict for years? How does this help anyone who has become accustomed to living that life? How does this help someone who has a mental illness? How does it help someone who thinks that they have just got away with not complying with probation? Instead of being on probation for the three years they were supposed to be on in just four short months and a few days on probation they are off scot free?
But it seems as the citizens who keep paying for these services with taxes and the victims of this endless cycle we have to just sit back and take it. We the citizens of Kingman and Mohave County have no say in this endless cycle.
Complaints fall upon deaf ears, apparently it’s best to sweep problems under the rug.
It seems that it’s better to just put a new coat of paint on problems to make it look fancy and new.
No one wants to stand up and bring light to the issues with our court systems. Why call attention to an issue and show the public you will not stand for the judges you oversee to do right and actually care! Because if there is nothing in the news or being brought to light then there isn’t a problem, right. This selfish view of your appearance and public view you think you uphold is only an image and light the judges of this county see themselves in.
Name withheld by request