KINGMAN – “What if for one day everything stopped? And we all just listened to the music…”
Play Music on The Porch Day started out as this idea… Even though this seems like a simple idea, if it worked, it could produce profound results. All musicians are welcome to come out for this special event on Saturday, Aug. 26 from noon to 10 p.m., at Saddle Sore Ranch (located on Rt. 66 milepost 36.5).
It doesn’t matter if you play an Oud, a Guitarrón, a Nyckelharpa, or a Guitar. When you pick up your instrument and start to play the world disappears and you get lost in the sounds. Music goes beyond words. It can transcend the most difficult barriers. It ties us together like a thread through our hearts. Our skin is many colors but music is in our blood, our bones and our soul