Dear Editor,
It’s probably too late, but I can’t agree with either of the MCC logo choices, as the Saguaro cactus is not representative of Mohave County. The Saguaro is most commonly found in the Sonoran Desert, not the Mojave Desert. A more appropriate choice would have been the Joshua tree, which is a much more familiar sight throughout Mohave County.
As for the idea that the cactus previously occurred in the “Official Seal & history of our logos,” the cactus on that seal resembles more of a telephone pole than a cactus.
I would vote for either of the current logo choices minus the Saguaro or for a new logo choice with a Joshua tree. I can’t bring myself to vote for either logo as is. I would have liked to see a little more research invested in the design, especially for an institution that promotes “quality education.”
Anne Dorre
MCC logo choices not enough