LAKE HAVASU CITY – The Lake Havasu City Council meeting was held Tuesday, August 22 at 5:30 p.m. at the Lake Havasu Police Department. Board members and Mayor Cal Sheehy began the meeting with an introduction to Stacey Lee, the Co-President of Echo Vets Band of Brothers.
Lee, a former Desert Storm Veteran, provided information about the organization who caters to veterans and community outreach. Advisor Jerri Bracamonte of the Havasu Youth Advisory Council (HYAC) was recognized for giving back to the community through local projects.
HYAC is an organization that is dedicated to helping youths explore their dreams and ambitions. Bracamonte approached Lee about forming a softball league for veterans. Son of Bracamonte Greg Hughes, is the current Planning Division Manager Luke Morris with Chris Gilbert this October. Gilbert discussed Final Plat Trinity at Havasu’s Foothills Estates Tract 391 (a housing development) which was also approved.
The City’s Project Manager Jason Hart discussed The London Bridge Pier D Project in an effort to preserve and repair pier D of The London Bridge. The bid $372,879 was approved for repairs.
The bid for Mullberry Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Basin, structural and motor control upgrades project with Kinney Construction, (also presented by Hart) was approved by the board in the amount of $1,297,964.
Council also approved seven replacement fleet vehicles from Midway Chevrolet. Five of thesescars will be going to Parks and Recreations while the other two will be going to Public Works.
To view a complete listing of future meetings visit lhcaz.gov. You can also attend virtually by visiting or subscribing to their Youtube channel at https://www,youtube/@lhcazgov.
Phaedra Veronique