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Robert “Bob” Leon Duncan

March 19, 1942 – February 6, 2025 It

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Let’s keep our kids warm this winter

KINGMAN – The Knights of Columbus Council 3145 together with St. Mary Ladies Auxiliary is partnering with St. Vincent de Paul, Aid and Advice Pregnancy Center, Pregnancy Support Center-Golden Valley and Annie’s Art Attic to have an annual “COATS for KIDS” campaign winter clothing drive. The goal for the Coats for Kids campaign is to ensure that no child in Kingman/Golden Valley goes without a coat during the winter season.

Winter is right around the corner. If weather predictions come to fruition, it could be another record cold year for Kingman. If you’re fortunate to have a warm winter coat, count your blessings. Many children don’t have this basic necessity, especially with the rising cost of food, gas, and heating. As families struggle to pay for these basic expenses, others ask “How can I help”?

This is it!  Knights of Columbus and St. Mary Ladies Auxiliary invite you to join them in their Coats for Kids campaign. We are collecting winter coats, sweaters, mittens, gloves, scarfs and blankets for kids’ birth through 12th grade. These clothing items can be new or gently used, also men’s clothing can be taken to St. Vincent de Paul. There will be St. Vincent de Paul boxes, in St. Mary’s lobby, for the children’s clothes. Locations of the distribution centers are St. Vincent de Paul, 215 Beale St., Aid and Advice Pregnancy Center, 2215 Northern Ave., Abundant Life Pregnancy Support Center, I-68 and Magma Road in Golden Valley and Annie’s Art Attic, 2575 Northern Ave. Collections will begin in September thru December 31. Donations are also accepted. For more information, please feel free to contact Suellen Stewart, 928-458-0202 (c) or text.

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