KINGMAN – The City of Kingman is taking a proactive approach in seeking voter approval in November to liquidate property it will not control until sometime next spring. The city council voted July 21 to bring the question to the people in the upcoming general election.
City Manager Ron Foggin said the city can save about $30,000 by piggybacking the Kingman question on the November 3 general election ballot rather than having a stand-alone election early next year. “We’re just excited to be able to have this done now instead of having a special election early next year,” Foggin said.
Voters will be asked to authorize the city to sell parcels from some 1,800 acres that would be considered phase two of the Kingman Airport Industrial Park. Consultant Kory Lewis said the federal government can’t convey the property to the city until an environmental assessment is completed.
Lewis indicated the current timetable lines up the land transfer to occur sometime next April. Foggin told council members that city officials will meet with Federal Aviation Administration representatives early next month to facilitate work associated with the land transfer process.
- Dave Hawkins