Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000209 EndHTML:0000008071 StartFragment:0000002694 EndFragment:0000008035 SourceURL:file://localhost/Volumes/Public/%E2%80%A2%20editorial%20storage/Opinion/081220/Hamersley.doc
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Based on the unofficial Preliminary Election results, I would like to extend my congratulations to Mr. Travis Lingenfelter, winner of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors – District 1 race. Travis ran a commendable campaign, has achieved a great thing for himself, and I hope to witness him working with the four other Supervisors do significant and noteworthy things for Mohave County’s residents, current and new businesses, and visitors of today and for those of tomorrow.
Obviously, I wish that the outcome was different but the 32% of Mohave County’s voters that either turned out at the polls or mailed in ballots chose the candidate they thought would bring greater, long-term prosperity for Mohave County. I respect that!
I have said repeatedly in this campaign that all the candidates were my opponents and not my enemies and I ran a positive, clean, and self-funded campaign. I wish all the candidates – who are also my friends – well. For me, this campaign was about Shaping Mohave County’s Future TOGETHER… Improving government services … Improving community!
You voted and Travis is owed the chance to lead and rise to the occasion. I sincerely thank EVERYONE who supported me (and my wife and family) during my campaign this last year. I met droves of patriotic Americans and concerned citizens, rekindled friendships from childhood, and caught up with Kingman and Mohave county residents who were long-time friends of my parents, and those relationships will last long after the campaign for County Supervisor.
And although I did not win the election, votes for me were not wasted. I, and you must as well, hold accountable those who have been elected. We must challenge our community leaders, question decisions that are made (or being considered), remain involved, and, most importantly, SHOW UP. Please keep volunteering in your communities! Be part of the solution not the problem! Just 32% of Mohave County voted in the Primary Election … that means 32% of the registered voters in Mohave County have made the decision for EVERYONE for the next four years. To me, an estimated 32% of the people in Mohave County isn’t a large enough number to be representative of the entire population. We should and can do better. We are Mohave County!
So, congratulations to Travis Lingenfelter, winner of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors – District 1 race. Remember, be part of the solution, not the problem. Let’s Shape Mohave County’s Future by working TOGETHER… Improving government services … Improving community!
Again, THANK YOU! I was honored to participate in Mohave County’s election process!
Jim Hamersley