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City Council meetings continue virtually with June 2 meetings “audience free”

The City of Kingman is taking the necessary steps to continue to protect City Council members, its residents, and city team members to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community. The Parks, Aquatics, Recreation and Golf (PARG) Commission will meet virtually this Wednesday, May 20, and the Planning and Zoning Commission is meeting in June, as well. As many cities around Arizona have proven successful, the City of Kingman is conducting the June 2, formal City Council meetings virtually. Meeting policy, and public comment guidelines for all virtual meetings are listed below:

·  Per the ongoing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), no more than 10 people should be gathered at the same time, therefore no Council or Commission meetings are taking place in the Council Chambers.

·  Please indicate the item number on the agenda you are commenting on. The emails/written statements will be provided to council/commissioners in a pdf for them to review, and the list of names and topics that were submitted will be read. A copy of all submissions in their entirety will be attached to the minutes and made a part of public record.

·  Regarding upcoming public hearings at certain virtual meetings: residents wishing to comment on any of the public hearings must contact the city clerk, Annie Meredith no later than 9:00 AM on the days of those meetings (June 2, Council meeting and Planning & Zoning Comments June 3). Comments will be accepted in written and standard audio format (.wav or .mp4). Audio comments must be under 3 minutes in length and can be submitted to the city clerk by email: or by dropping them off to the Clerk’s Office located at

310 N. 4th Street.

·  As in the past, residents can watch the Council and/or Commissions meetings live streamed at or Cable Channel 4

·  The future, virtual meeting agendas can be found here:

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