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CDBG funds hearing open to the public

MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave County is expected to receive approximately $812,740 in FY2024 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the Arizona Department of Housing Regional Account (RA). Mohave County also intends to apply for $500,000 in FY2024 and FY2025 competitive CDBG funds from the State Special Project (SSP) account.

CDBG funds must be used to benefit low-income persons and areas, alleviate slum and blight or address urgent need.

A public hearing will be held Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Saguaro Conference Room at the Mohave County Administration Building, 700 West Beale Street in Kingman to gather citizen input on the use of the CDBG funds.

Eligible applicants (sub-grantees) include public or private non-profit agency with a 501(c)(3) from the IRS and a special district that is an actual political entity – such as a fire or water district.

Examples of the possible fund uses include the following:

1. Public Infrastructure (e.g., water, wastewater, street improvements);

2. Community Facilities (e.g., parks, health clinics, libraries, senior or youth centers);

3. Housing (e.g., owner-occupied or multi-family rehab, utility connections on private

property, new housing constructed by non-profit);

4. Public Services (e.g., paying the salary of an additional staff person to expand a Head

Start program, purchasing equipment, and rent to start a new job training program;

5. Economic Development (e.g., a loan to a business for job creation, micro-enterprise

development, acquisition of land for an existing business expansion).

For more information about the hearing, grievances, the CDBG program, or to receive

assistance in formulating prospective project ideas for presentation at the hearing, contact:

Jamie Bernier, Housing and Community Revitalization Manager, (928)753-0723 Ext. 4217, Email:

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