Dear Editor,
Waiting in the line to go shopping I struck up a long distance conversation with a lady who was saying she just couldn’t believe how so many things just disappeared off the shelves and how she was so happy that there were special hours for us.
Talking further, we came to the conclusion that there is something special about having to go back to basics. In high school, we had home economics where we learned how to cook and sew and mechanic’s shop for those who learned how to work on their own cars, fix their bikes, change their own tires.
This epidemic has brought people back to basics and has renewed the family unit to enjoy each other’s company and to enjoy family time once again. The family unit is what has been missing in America.
It has brought us to realize we need God. This epidemic is no joke. It kills. Being on self quarantine has made me realize that we are a resilient people. We can make lemonade out of lemons and get back to basics.
People are cooking at home again. We can bring out the old cook book and grandma’s recipes to create memories that will last a life time. We have family time once again where long walks, playing catch in the backyard with that old BBQ which brings us together.
Where we actually have to talk to each other, take up that hobby we always wanted to do, or just enjoy being home. So, what about that toilet paper, paper towels and napkins? This is America! If we all do our part and share, it should not be a problem.
For those who remember “Father knows best” “Leave it to Beaver” and “The Andy Griffith Show” The time has come to get back to basics. For those who don’t know them, it’s time to explore and create your own special version of family, together.
Sandy Morisset
Golden Valley