BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City Police Department is participating in the Annual Statewide Vehicle Theft Prevention & Awareness month, which is a coordinated effort between the Arizona Automobile Theft Authority (AATA) and law enforcement agencies to help reduce stolen vehicles.
celebrate, the Bullhead City Police Department is inviting the public to the
Bullhead City Police Department, 1255
Marina Boulevard, on Thursday, March 7 from 4
to 6:30 p.m., where officers will be on hand to educate and provide tools and
resources to prevent vehicle thefts.
Officers will provide free Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etching as part
of this statewide effort to reduce the number of stolen vehicles. AATA
representatives from Phoenix
will also be at our event to give away raffle prizes!
For more information call Community Services Officer Lorrie Duggins at 928-763-9200 ext. 204 or email lduggins@bullheadcity.com.