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Dear Editor, Attention … this is to clear

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Kingman Democratic Women continue to support KUSD students with lunch assistance

KINGMAN – The Kingman Democratic Women’s Club and Mohave County District 1 Democrats have continued into 2019 on an upbeat note of giving. Since starting in May 2018 they have collected $600 to help 123 KUSD elementary students in six schools afford school lunches. These kids come from families who are just above the USDA income guidelines to qualify for paid school lunches but just can’t afford the cost of school lunches. 

This idea originated with the desire for the Kingman Democratic Women’s Club to give back to the community and it was decided that feeding elementary school kids was an important and rewarding endeavor. Susie Gestrine, KDWC President and District 1 Chair, has been instrumental in maintaining these donations through 50/50 drawings on meeting nights. Because the members feel so strongly about this project most donate their half of the drawing back into the kitty.