Preparedness is a shared responsibility; it takes a whole community. The recent earthquakes that hit in Southern California remind people to be prepared. Emergencies can strike at any time, causing power outages, flooding, fire or evacuations which would rapidly overload first responders. The Bullhead City Fire Department would like to remind citizens to do their part, be prepared, and have an emergency preparedness plan. Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere, and strongly urge citizens to be prepared.
One resource continually relied upon is the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Members train and assist with emergencies and natural disasters. If interested in learning more about the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) or becoming a volunteer, please contact Fire Marshal Jim Dykens at 928-758-3971 for more information.
A few items to include in a basic supply kit are water, food, flashlight/ batteries, first aid kit, whistle to signal for help, manual can opener, cell phone with charger, prescriptions medications, non-perishable food, and blankets
Remember being prepared is key; now is the time! For more information on how to get prepared visit www.ready.gov or Mohave County Office of Emergency Management www.mohavecounty.us