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Your vote has an impact

Dear Editor,

Well, we are at a point where we will be making very important decisions about our future as a nation. Many of our elected officials, are sitting on the fence, watching America be destroyed from within, our own people.

Our Trojan Horse.

If you are not familiar with this story, look it up. It’s what is going on now. Our Elected officials are sitting back, gleefully anticipating the demise of our government so they can take over America and finally get the power they crave. Opening a Pandora’s box in the hope to finally boot President Trump out of office. Why? Ask yourself “Why?”

The “Pandemic” is no excuse to destroy America. George Floyd is no excuse to destroy America. Hating President Trump is no excuse to destroy America. Blaming President Trump for everything under the sun is a distraction from the real reason for what this election year is about. It’s so important to have your voices heard through your vote. Now, that to has become a battlefield in process. We are not helpless. We are American’s. We have something that other countries don’t have or they would not want to come here and those who are bent on power wouldn’t fight so hard to win your vote, even if it means destroying our nation. They all seem to have their hands in the pot. They all want to “Do what’s right for Americans”. Do they? Look into it. The proof is in the pudding. Are they really promising a better America or just giving us smoke and mirrors? Those of us who are paying attention will know. Are we going to be tricked into giving up America to foreign governments as in the past? Or, are we going to be a socialist country with only a few telling us how to live? American’s have had enough. Your voice has impact. We need to let our Democracy work as it was intended. We have slowly, over years, been destroying America through lack of education in History and trying to eliminate God in our Country. “The American way” is no longer a reality here. Especially, if socialism wins. Our Trojan Horse cannot and will not win. We must stand our ground for the rights of all Americans.

Our Trojan Horse, destroying America from within.

Your vote, your voice has impact. We must fight. We must bring God back to America so he can heal our land. We must have our voices heard.

At the polls, my America, at the polls.

Sally Morisset

Golden Valley

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