The Statue of Liberty would weep if it could. The French of long ago, who created the statue as praise to Americans on their centennial for breaking the bonds of slavery to European royalty and creating the world’s first true republic ruled by the common man and breaking the chains of its own black slavery through its recent American Civil War, would also weep were they here to witness it.
Alexis de Tocqueville, were he alive, would weep to see the world’s greatest experiment in liberty fail due to that which he feared, which is that, “…in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom.”
America’s past presidents and statesmen (not politicians) who fought against foreign European influences and banking groups that sought to take America down would weep to see those same groups having actually succeeding through their surrogate anarchists winning within its borders.
Modern American politicians with a spine and love of America would weep. All others would simply scramble to grab for themselves any new power and wealth that might arise from the ashes of the great republic.
The common people of the modern world, living under the heel of despots of various ilk, socialist, communist, warlords, and modern rulers of former European colonies, would weep. Why? Because, the light of liberty and freedom that illuminated the world with hope for them would have been extinguished. With such hope gone, only despair and the heel of their masters would persist.
The American anarchists and socialists, and the America-hating educators would weep, not for America’s fall but for what would befall them in the aftermath. The purges that would inevitably happen under new rulers who would arise whose lust for power and control, as history and the failings of man have shown, would know no bounds. (Witness the French Revolution, Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, and the Pol Pot Regime, to name a few.) Many in the ranks of those adhering to the new regimes, neighborhood enforcers, educators, and government bureaucratic bosses would be purged for being contaminated by the past and therefore untrustworthy. Much weeping would occur.
America’s small business owners would weep to see their livelihood destroyed due to riotous mobs of new regimes’ adherents, scarcities of goods, and the takeovers by state owned stores in a country devolving into a clone of Stalinist Russia or a socialist Venezuela.
Some of America’s religious leaders, true Christian preachers and teachers, would weep to see the world’s last bastion of Christianity fall. Other societal appeasing leaders might weep seeing their tithing flocks disperse.
The liberty-loving, patriotic America citizens would weep – perhaps – but only for a short while should America truly fail and fall. For, Admiral Yamamoto, when Japanese military leaders before Pearl Harbor contemplated invading America’s west coast, allegedly stated, “To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle.” What held true then about foreign threats to America surely holds true today about domestic threats, and today’s patriots are better armed, and their arms and ammo are more plentiful.
We should only pray that today’s American patriots are as determined as they are armed to prevent any weeping.
William Gratza