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Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

What’s wrong with our system?

Dear Editor,

Mr. Mollette’s piece in the March 13 edition of The Standard about the diminished size of your Snicker bar fails to mention one little fact, and that is how wages have risen substantially over the years. Yes, time was when you could buy a car for a couple of thousand dollars and a house for $20,000, give or take. Like most conservative republicans, Mr. Mollette wants to lay blame on President Joe Biden. Think about it, if producers of goods want to raise prices and we are willing to buy at those prices, who can we blame? For instance, every time there is a stiff breeze in Texas anywhere near an oil refinery, gasoline prices skyrocket overnight. Why? Because the refineries have to shut down. And because big oil gets away with it, plus we need the product to get to work. People need to realize we don’t have to buy the national brand of anything, buy the store brand, it’s usually much more reasonably priced, and just as wholesome, use coupons, if producers realize they are losing patronage, they will eventually come around or go belly up.

Fix the border Mollette reports “it is our number one issue this election.” I recall a bipartisan proposal which came up in the House of Representatives not long ago, that would have been a giant step toward solving the issue. Now let me see if I have this correct. It was a disgruntled 91-time indicted, twice impeached, ex-president Donald Trump, and a, primarily republican, House of Representatives which killed the plan, presumably so some could say, “See the Biden Administration did nothing about the border problem.” When in fact if you check the Constitution, I believe you will find the border issue actually belongs to Congress. But why nit-pick. The solution was given and then the ex-president wanted to make is His solution, for political points and the sycophants agreed.

This brings me to Jennifer Esposito’s letter, in the same edition of The Standard, asking for your help to “Make American Great Again.” I agree! Get out and vote. Vote for rational people who actually want to improve the state of affairs we now face. Not those who think the election was rigged/stolen, or who advocated overthrowing the Democracy. Let’s take a look at some facts; i.e., Biden’s first year, more than six million jobs were created, unemployment took the biggest single drop in America’s history, and unemployment claims took the biggest single year drop in history, millions more people now have health care coverage (so much for doing away with Obama Care, as someone once promised, and building a beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for), that we now see immigrants crawling over, digging under, and cutting big enough chunks from the existing wall that a truck loaded with souls seeking a better life can pass through.

Lloyd Dickson

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