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Unexpected joy

Dear Editor,

In this age of sadness and horror, I recently found an oasis of tranquility and peace To top it off, I found just a whole lot of fun! That is right, fun with a capital letter F.

At age 84, I am very actively retired and trying to stay active and loose so I can continue to move about for a long time to come.

In that regard, I chose to volunteer to work with the folks at St. Vincent DePaul thrift store in Kingman. I had no real idea of what to expect, but since I don’t consider myself too good to sweep floors or clean toilets, I figured I could take whatever came my way. Just wanted to help for the betterment of all.

I was literally stunned at the open-armed welcome I received, when I was treated like family. I am a crusty old hardnosed geezer because of my life’s experiences, but in all honesty, the way I was welcomed and have been treated since I joined this group, brings tears of pure joy to my eyes.

I volunteer only one day a week, as I have other commitments, but I wake up anxious to get there on my day each week. A totally unexpected benefit that has come to me is the fact that I have real fun each day I am there. Yes, plain, real, unadulterated fun, like a kid in a toy store. That is not to say there is nothing to do but play. There is actual work to be done, but none of it is stressful or harmful. The work here makes one actually use the brain, such as, “What am I to do with this?” or “Where should this go?” This goes on all day, exercising the mind and making small but necessary decisions. When a real puzzler comes along, there is always someone to help in an eager and pleasant way.

The folks I have the privilege to work with have all gone out of their way to make things easy for this old man to be functional and productive. There are may hundreds of details to remember (and to forget), but every single time I have made an error, some generous soul comes to my rescue and makes things right and makes me look like I know what I am doing anyway.

I am surprised at just how much real, vital help this organization provides to unfortunate, needy people (and just how very many of them there are) in our small community. Many folks who are unfortunate and in need of help are in that position through no fault of their own and they just do not know where to turn for help in regaining their footing. In coming here they can gain a foothold and retain their dignity and self respect. When I get a chance to assist those folks and put a smile on their face, I know I am getting the greatest benefit from the transaction.

To my very great surprise, I learned that each and every person working here is an unpaid volunteer. Even those folks with a great deal of responsibility and a heavy burden are all paid exactly the same wage as the least knowledgeable volunteer. That grand sum? Exactly zero money.

I have to assume that they all feel the same uplift and serenity that comes from selflessly giving of themselves. I know I am blessed many times a day with that feeling.

I feel so strongly about the personal benefit that comes from working here and giving of ourselves, I’ll extend an invitation to each of you many retirees out there. I know what a huge change retirement is. We all had very responsible, productive lives that carried a lot of respect and recognition as part of it. We all have a vast fund of knowledge and experience to call on. There is a huge amount of fun to be had in sharing that. I absolutely love it here. Come, join me. You won’t regret it.

Jack Hommel

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