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Dear Editor, My name is Elliot Chalew, and

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Spending and fiscal responsibility

Dear Editor,

Polls show a consensus of Arizonans want quality education for all grade levels in our state to prepare our young people and our economy for a fruitful future. Arizonans want just immigration reform, a secure border, and more. …but it all costs money.

Our Congressmen are in the middle of a tight election, but they still have our work to do – including creating and passing the federal budget for FY2025. And while Arizonans have our priorities, Americans are also highly concerned about our ballooning deficit and excessive military budget;

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249th Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Dear Editor,

On Nov 2nd, Sat at 5 PM  The Dean W. Reiter Detachment #887 of the Kingman Marine Corps League will meet to celebrate the 249th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. This years birthday ball will be held at Beale Street Celebrations, located at the corner of 4th and Beale St, Kingman.

Happy hour will commence at 5 P.M. or 1700 Hours for our military members. At 6 P.M. we will hold the traditional Birthday Ceremony.  The colors will be presented by members of the Kingman Young Marines

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Abortion v birth control

Dear Editor,

Tell me what I am missing here. All I hear these days is abortion, abortion, abortion.

We have had birth control pills for many years and they are readily available and dirt cheap. They are much safer than having to go through an abortion. Wouldn’t most women rather take a pill daily than having to go through an abortion?

First off, many years ago a stupid democrap SCOTUS made a dumb decision to make abortion a federal issue.

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Living in Diverse America  

Dear Editor,

In my neighborhood we have a variety of people. We have Democrats and Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and others. People attend different churches or don’t attend church at all. We have Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals, Jews, and more. On a new street over from me I’ve noticed several families who appear to be from India, Mexico, the Middle East, plus several new America families. I live in a diverse neighborhood.

I haven’t seen anyone out arguing or fighting.

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Trump is a loser (again)

Dear Editor,

To traitor Trump’s psychotic supporters, if there’s a Hell below, then all of you misogynistic MAGA morons are going to go!

Y’all of course do know what “MAGA” stands for: “Making Attorneys Get Attorneys,” or “Making Abusing Girls Acceptable,” or “Morons Against Great Americans,” and the list of accurate acronyms for these asinine anti-American fascists goes on and on.

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