Dear Editor,
Mr. Dickson, I agree we should elect politicians that work for the people! Yes, Kingman and Mohave County in general is considered one of the most conservative counties in Arizona. You believe Capitalism isn’t regulated? This current administration has nothing but overregulate since day one. You talk about wealth disparity. Let’s see I believe Congress, the Senate included, is supposed to regulate how taxes, fees, and fines are collected. I wonder why Congress hasn’t closed the loopholes in the tax code? How do some members of Congress leave millionaires after their term[s] are up? They must be content with the laws that are written. They benefit while we struggle. Why should the wealthy as a whole be punished for being successful? Of course, they take advantage of the loopholes to keep as much of their money as possible. You blame Capitalism for the high price of pharmaceutical drugs. There are solutions for this. Greed by individuals in big Pharma and other large corporations do not represent the whole. Eliminate the “Middleman” business model. Negotiate drug prices across state lines and our country’s borders. Our former President was working on this before the COVID 19 panic. Whoops! I forgot to mention the oil in the pipeline coming down from Canada was Alaskan oil being transported down to our refineries near the Gulf. Now President Biden is closing oil leases in Alaska putting more people out of work! Electric vehicles are in the infancy stage. Hybrid vehicles have been proven reliable and save consumers a lot of money on fuel. This administration has bullied automobile manufactures to produce electric vehicles regardless of their cost, reliability, and driving range to achieve a radical environmental agenda. Until electric vehicles can self-charge like gas and hybrid vehicles, what’s the point? Mr. Dickson, the bi-partisan immigration bill was a watered-down solution accomplishing nothing to solve the problem of illegal immigration. Former president Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy worked! Many immigrants file for asylum without any proof they are being tortured or harassed by their government. Mr. Dickson, doesn’t it bother you that young military age men are coming here not vetted from all over the world? What a slap in the face to all the immigrants that waited their turn and became United States citizens! You blame the Christian right. Being a Christian is not the problem! The problem is unchecked immigration is putting our citizens at risk! France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States as a celebration of independence from tyranny. Challenging the results of the 2020 election is not a crime! As far as all the indictments of former President Trump by known anti-Trump prosecutors would Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton fair any better if the tables were turned? Mr. Dickson, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had a major influence on the Capitol Police’s decision not to request security help from National Guardsmen. All her to many years in the Speaker position carried a lot of weight! You say former Vice President Pence was doing his job certifying the Electoral College vote when he could have requested a national recount to put the people’s minds at ease once and for all. The Capitol Police weren’t the hero’s they portrayed themselves to be. Still no charges filed against the Capitol Policeman who shot an unarmed female protester! There are still protesters being held without due process of law! You say corporations and wealthy individuals should pay their fair share of taxes when they pay more even with the loopholes in the current tax law. Since our government decided to tax our income in the early years of the 20th Century it would have been more fair to have a flat tax so every working person pays the same rate and those who make more pay more, make less pay less. Former president Trump’s tax cuts have benefited everyone. People get to keep more of their hard earned money. The key thing is the government also must cut spending beyond its means! When one thinks about it citizens shouldn’t be taxed for working and producing. We pay enough taxes when we buy products, fuel, and property. Since our money valuation went off the gold standard our money is worth less and less. The reckless spending by the Biden administration is causing out of control inflation leading our country on a dangerous path!
Jack Goyeneche