KINGMAN -The City of Kingman’s coronavirus-related mask mandate has prompted a recall campaign targeting the mayor and three city council members. James Coffman said he pulled papers Monday seeking the ouster of Mayor Jen Miles and that his father has followed through Thursday with a secondary effort proposing the recall of Council members Jamie Scott Stehly, SueAnn Mello Keener and Ken Watkins.
Coffman said the elected officials should be shown the door for their “abuse of power” in stripping citizens of their liberty by supporting keeping the mask mandate in effect until further review during the October 20 council meeting. Council member David Wayt also voted to keep the policy in place, but he is not targeted because his term of office is expiring in just a few months.
Speaking during the Kingman Council’s 2.5-hour long face covering debate Tuesday, Jennifer Esposito invited citizens to sign recall petitions at Metcalf Park in downtown Kingman at 5:00 p.m Sunday.
“There will be a funeral service for the mayor and any member of this council who votes in favor of ratifying this mask mandate,” Esposito said. “Recall petitions will be available for the public to sign. Please wear black and be respectful.”
Coffman said the city clerk’s office indicated that at least 1,384 valid petition signatures must be submitted by Jan. 12 to qualify the mayoral recall. He said the council recall will qualify if at least 1,438 valid petition signatures are submitted by Jan. 19.
- -Dave Hawkins
The virus rate is dropping in Kingman. The mask mandate is helping. Not wearing a mask is hardly a constitutional right. I dont think Madison wrote that into any article, in fact he knew nothing about bacteria or viruses at the time. Washington died of strep throat and they bled him. So Esposito and Coffman are advocating bleeding to stem the virus?
Masks have no effect. The country of Jordan has no mask requirements. The country of Israel has the strongest mask requirements. Both countries have similar populations. Both countries have the same infection and mortality rates. Look it up!