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Lake Mead officials urge visitors to have a safe, enjoyable Labor Day weekend 

BOULDER CITY, Nev. – As the community heads into the final holiday weekend of the summer, visitors are urged to keep their focus on safety while enjoying the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. 

“We want to end the summer here on a high note for all visitors and staff,” said Superintendent Mike Gauthier. “We have had 23 fatalities and many serious incidents this year and we need your help to arrest the trend.” 

Although temperatures normally start to cool this time of year, they are still in the triple digits in the area. People are urged to drink plenty of water and avoid strenuous activity and prolonged exposure to the sun. Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and watch out for each other. 

Remember to boat and drive safely. Two recent fatalities involved high speed and inattentive boating; the tragedy was completely avoidable. We remind everyone to Drive Like a Tortoise, watch for hazards and wildlife, and be considerate of other travelers. Do not drink and drive and follow all the rules while boating. 

When boating or swimming, also remember to wear a life jacket, and keep in mind that pool toys are not allowed. Last week another swimmer who was not wearing a life jacket perished when they when they jumped into the water. And remember that pool toys do not provide sufficient flotation, can be easily popped, and are dangerous for children on the lakes.  

As with all holiday weekends so far this summer, large numbers of visitors are expected. The goal for Lake Mead NRA leadership is for everyone to have a fun, safe, and rewarding experience, without incident. This goal can be achieved if everyone honors posted restrictions, avoids risky behavior, and acts respectfully toward other visitors and park employees. 

“With water levels up, we have had a busy summer. Let’s finish it on a positive note,” said Gauthier.  

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