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Dear Editor, Wow! You are part of the

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July 4 th – America’s Hope.

Americans hope they will never be bullied by a police officer. A man or woman with a badge and a gun can be an intimidating figure. If a cop pulls you over and bullies you, what can you do? Americans are at the mercy of bad cops. Who hasn’t been afraid of a police officer at one time or another? Police reform is obviously needed in America. Black people or any people should never have to live in fear of a police officer who wants to prove that he or she has authority. We need good police officers who will protect us and help us. I believe the majority of officers are good people. However, this is no excuse to allow the bad ones to be out in uniform menacing anyone. 

Americans hope they can work. I recently saw too many stores closed or boarded up in Cleveland, Ohio. While visiting in the city I had hoped to stay at one hotel but learned this entire huge hotel has been totally closed due to the pandemic but hopes to reopen in August. These types of closures and boarded up businesses are good for no one. Americans know that living on unemployment cannot be a long-term lifestyle. Unemployment runs out. Typically, Americans can make more money working but the extra federal boost has been a major help to Americans. Americans mentally feel better and make more money when they are working jobs and bringing home a paycheck. While Covid-19 has made it difficult for us, we must embrace all the necessary precautions and safety measures so we might ensure keeping our country working.

Americans hope for a cure to Covid-19. Our present-day Americans have never faced anything like this before. America and the world have faced pandemics in the past but we have been fortunate to this point. Our time has come now to live through, survive and overcome this virus that has taken so many hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. We must support and pray for those who are working so hard for a cure.  

Americans hope to get our lives back. We miss social gatherings. We miss going to our places of worship. Only so much can be done at home for so long. Working at home, watching worship at home and doing everything at home is not all that much fun for many Americans. Some thought it would be great to do everything from home but many have gotten tired of never leaving the house. Many Americans will welcome the opportunity to go back to work, to church and the local gathering spots. 

As we celebrate our independence, we look to God, pray for our leaders and have hope that we all will grasp and stand firm on this truth from our Declaration of Independence, “that all people are created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” May we each hold to and extend this hope to every American. 

Dr. Glenn Mollette

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