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Dear Editor,

Joe Biden reminds me of a car salesman I once knew. His name was Diamond Jim, a man in my small town. I made the mistake of buying a ’72 Chevy pickup from him. I expected it to have the correct engine; instead it turned out to be a 1954 Chevy engine. Confronted, he gave me back half the money I paid.

What does that have to do with honest Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is a socialist, he’s just as crazy as Bernie Sanders and just as radical.

Socialism is a form of Marxist communism. Do you really want to turn American into another communist satellite? I really feel sorry for you. All the so-called free programs are going to bankrupt the American taxpayer.

I know some of you in the swing states live in the suburbs. You who have left the city’s urban sprawl are going to find out. If honest Joe Biden takes power he’s going to use housing and urban development against you. He will build little cities out of free suburbia. Tenements, and if you object  your services will be shut down. Your streets will not be taken care of and other services.

Look into his agenda, ask yourself. He’s a dishonest politician, talks out of both sides of his mouth.

Our current president is a businessman, can’t be bought by anyone. Do I go along with everything he does? Of course not. He’s only a human being. He makes mistakes. But the alternative is too terrifying to think about! Another socialist communist country.

Why do I believe in him? He’s a Christian, he cares about keeping our nation free.

Why would you want to become slaves to the government? There is no free lunch. All the so-called free programs he proposes will bankrupt the nation.

Socialist, communist Christians – does that make sense? Why did our brave men die in Normandy, Libya. They died destroying Hitler’s nationalist socialist party. The Nazis who wanted to enslave the free world. Now you welcome those same ideas.

Mike Nelson


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