Dear Editor,
Another letter, “Freedom,” in the March issue of The Standard, blasts the left, while extolling the virtues of the right. As I see it, one more divisive (my way or the highway) attitude which is driving yet another
Consider the Republican mantra regarding individual freedoms of less government in our lives being desirable, then ask why the Republicans want to restrict a woman’s right to seek an abortion, or why they object to same sex marriages, freedoms most of the rabid right want abolished. Then look at the socialistic programs Social Security and Medicare, both Democratic propositions. Ask a conservative if this is a form of socialism, see if you ever get an answer?
Then comes the argument by the right, abortion is tantamount to murder, and same sex marriage is a sin. Inquire, how many unwanted children have you adopted? Wait for it, but do not hold your breath for a forthcoming answer. Usually the argument, about same sex marriage is the Bible says it is a sin. The Good Book also says much which is totally ignored by those who believe. For instance: if a woman is not a virgin when she weds she should be stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:20-21). Men, it seems escape the same punishment should it somehow be proven they too are not chaste. So tell me, when was the last virginal stoning you attended? As for marriage, 2 Samuel 5:13, David married more concubines and wives. It would seem, the right is wrong, but remember, if you disagree, disregard!
Now we see, some on the right feel fossil fuels are necessary to move products around, “but the left doesn’t care,” the writer asserts, “Socialists only care that they destroy America as we know it.” Some time ago the assertion was made by the same letter writer, there existed 100 years of oil reserves between here and California. Asked what happens when this is exhausted, resulted in a non answer. Seems if you ask a radical right individual difficult questions, do not expect an answer. Apparently right thinkers are unaware electricity is being generated from wind, ocean, and solar, and that electricity can be stored in batteries when even now are used to power horseless carriages from point A to point B.
There is an article in the March 2002 issue of the Economic Development Journal written by Victoria Harper (regular contributor to Arizona Chamber Business News) which is captioned, “Industry facing $250 million bill for Phoenix metro’s auto emissions.” Drive to Phoenix, and you will see a cloud of contaminated air suspended above the entire area, and no burn days in effect for fireplace users. Believe or not, however it does seem to me the left is looking into the future and attempting to save the planet from ruination by the radical right so that future generations have a planet that can actually sustain them.
Attacking and denigrating the press as “socialistic left media” because you don’t happen to like what you learn in the media, should be a clear call for action to correct the situation. The first amendment deals with right of expression and the press for good reason.
No surprise though, given the reports of people refusing to buy or drink Corona beer, or using vodka as a substitute for hand sanitizer because of the corona virus scare, we should probably fear for the future of this country.
Lloyd Dickson