Dear Editor,
Honor the memory of people who died in battle to defend American freedoms. Vote. Lives were sacrificed so that America can continue to experience freedom – that includes the freedom to vote! All citizens must vote so as not to trivialize these war dead.
Don’t allow yourself to be immobilized by your indecision, indifference, or sense of powerlessness. Vote! Certainly, each woman and man who has died for our freedom deserves no less. To vote is your civic and patriotic responsibility.
When you exercise your right to vote this allows you the privilege to actively engage in post-election discussions and criticism of the government. Although freedom of speech is intact for all Americans – the right to complain about the government is earned only by we the active voting public. If you haven’t voted you haven’t earned the right to criticize the government. It’s that simple.
People have died in battle for our cherished American freedoms. Let these deaths not be in vain. Vote in the upcoming election November 3.
Christine M. Meisenheimer, PhD