Dear Editor,
I only go to the supermarket, doctor’s office and pick-up food now and then at one or two of the restaurants. I’ve noticed that two of our supermarkets enforce wearing a mask and one does not. I will no longer shop at that particular market.
The restaurants I have gone to for take – out also enforce the mask rule and people have been abiding by the store’s rules.
However, the other morning I went to one of the restaurants just after it opened. I had called my order in so it was ready when I got there. Behind me came a man and woman each carrying a toy poodle. People behind them looked like they were ready to turn around and get the heck out of there. The waitress handed me my food and took my money (I had the exact amount so she would not have to make change) and turned around to leave. I heard her ask the couple if the dogs were service dogs. The woman said ” of course not, but other restaurants let us bring them in. If you want, we can eat in your patio.”
By that time I had reached the door and didn’t hear the rest of the conversation.
I put my food in on the passenger side of my car and as I turned to go around to the driver’s side I saw the couple and their dogs leaving the restaurant. Through the open door I saw other patrons smiling. I was very happy to see the waitress had refused to allow the dogs into the restaurant.
Where do people get the idea that they should be allowed to do something others are not allowed to do just because that is what they want?
The same goes for wearing masks in public places. I applaud our mayor, who I rarely agree with, for keeping the mask rule in place. In the Sunday Kingman Miner they even stated that we had another 32 new cases of COVID-19 in Mohave County in just Thursday and Friday of last week.
Fine, you don’t think you will catch anything if you don’t wear a mask. How about being a
good citizen/neighbor and wear one to protect everyone else?
It would appear people these days only care about themselves and everyone else must be wrong so don’t do anything for anyone except yourself.
I have no objection to more businesses reopening as long as they can do so safely. If restaurants can reopen so should other businesses be able to safely do so. The problem isn’t the businesses, the problem is the people going there and insisting on not wearing a mask or social distancing.
Kingman is no safer than any other town in this country at this time. Why not wear a mask just as a precaution for everyone rather than rant and rave about us not being a free society? Do
something positive for someone other than your selfish self!
Sandee Samoska
Well it’s clear that this person hasnt a clue when it comes to a mandate of any nature. No one person has any right to control another persons, property, or personal body, or liberty and freedom of travel, speech, and religious worship. That includes prescribing any medical procedure or preventative measure..i.e. MASKS / Facial coverings. You can not control what i choose to eat or drink or smoke or ingest into my body, as I am not causing any harm or loss to anyone. The true selfish persons are those wishing to control my actions that are not causing any harm or loss…and do not try using the old argument of I may spread the covid if i dont wear a mask. Thats pure speculation and can not be proven to the point that Insurances will not pay off on a claim if I am shop[ping and you are shopping in the same store and the store doesnt enforce a rediculous, unlawful self proclaimed rule of mandate of masks, and then you were to get sick….nope no claim, for the lack of standing.
Well it’s clear that this person hasnt a clue when it comes to a mandate of any nature. No one person has any right to control another persons, property, or personal body, or liberty and freedom of travel, speech, and religious worship. That includes prescribing any medical procedure or preventative measure..i.e. MASKS / Facial coverings. You can not control what i choose to eat or drink or smoke or ingest into my body, as I am not causing any harm or loss to anyone. The true selfish persons are those wishing to control my actions that are not causing any harm or loss…and do not try using the old argument of I may spread the covid if i dont wear a mask. Thats pure speculation and can not be proven to the point that Insurances will not pay off on a claim if I am shop[ping and you are shopping in the same store and the store doesnt enforce a rediculous, unlawful self proclaimed rule of mandate of masks, and then you were to get sick….nope no claim, for the lack of standing.