The citizens of Mohave County can expect the following activity from Mohave County Public Works
during the week of December 30, 2019:
Arizona Strip: Road grading on 1) Lime Kiln Dr. and 2) Mt Trumbull Loop.
Yucca: Road grading on 1) Alamo Rd., 2) Chicken Springs Rd., 3) Knox Dr. and 4) Apache Rd.
Hualapai Mountain Area: Road grading on 1) Dubois Dr. and 2) McCarrell Rd.
Golden Valley: Crack sealing on Estrella Rd. Shoulder grading and patching on Chino Dr. from Aztec Rd. to Colorado Rd.
Meadview: Road grading on 1) Driftwood Dr., 2) Campanile Dr., 3) Overton Dr., 4) Escalante Blvd., 5) Pueblo Dr., 6) Stillwater Dr. and 7)
Silver Creek Dr. Pothole repair to continue on Sandy Point Dr.
Mohave Valley: Road grading on Rt. 11 in Lagoon Estates and street sweeping on Tierra Linda in Fort Mohave.
Golden Shores: Crews will be performing storm cleanup .
North Lake Havasu: Shoulder work in the Crystal Beach area.
For more information and for updates on road work affecting traffic operations, please contact Public Works at
928-757-0910 or visit our website at www.mohavecounty.us.