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City tables ban on exotic animal performances

KINGMAN – The Kingman City council tabled action on an ordinance proposing banning local performances featuring exotic animals by circuses and other traveling shows. The first half-dozen citizens speaking at the March 5 council meeting urged adoption of the measure, alleging that tigers, elephants and other exotic animals suffer for their involvement in the industry.

Ordinance supporters like Keepers of the Wild sanctuary founder Jonathan Kraft said the animals are mistreated simply by their captivity, their confinement within small cages or space and forced travel. They contend they also suffer abuse when electric prods, whips and other equipment and methods are used to force them to perform tricks that would never occur in their native habitat.

The most vociferous opponent of the ordinance was Tim Woods, manager of the Mohave County Fairgrounds. Woods expressed concern that application of provisions of the ordinance would eliminate many forms of entertainment featured at the fairgrounds.

Former council member Vickie Kress and others countered that the proposed ordinance includes exemptions for rodeos, 4-H programs and other forms of generally accepted practice and culture.

Mayor Jen Miles moved to table the proposal so that council members would have more time to research associated issues. Miles said the same ordinance or a modified proposal could be reconsidered at the April 2 council meeting.

The mayor also offered an administrative option. She explained city and county officials, with input from fairgrounds representatives, could develop procedures and criteria to evaluate circuses and other shows on a case by case basis, permitting some and prohibiting others.