BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City Elementary School District’s free meal program will move from “grab-and-go” pick-ups at four campuses to delivery by school bus at several dozen stops around the community. The move is effective Monday (April 6).
Free breakfasts and lunches will continue to be available during campus closures for all students 18 and under, regardless of where they attend school, noted BCESD Superintendent Carolyn Stewart.
A companion meal program for River Valley High School students in and around Mohave Valley will remain on campus.
The new BCESD schedule will have boxed meals available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each will have breakfast and lunch for the same day and the following day, except for Fridays, which will have meals for that day only.
BCESD neighborhood deliveries will start at 8:00 a.m. and run for about two hours per route, with estimated ten minute stops at each location. River Valley’s on-site program remains from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. daily, Monday through Friday.
The full list of meal delivery bus stops is available on the school district’s website, www.crsk12.org. There will be a meal icon on the home page which links to the schedule.
“Some of the stops may be different from those being used for K-8 instructional packet delivery drop-offs,” said Stewart. “Parents should pick up meals at the bus stop closest to their residence, regardless of whether their children are ordinarily bus riders, or are students who attend other BCESD schools on open enrollment.”
Students from the Ft. Mohave/Mohave Valley area who attend BCESD schools through open enrollment may get their meals at a stop at Wendell at Richardo in the Rio Lomas neighborhood.
Stewart said it’s important for parents to differentiate between the two bus schedules. Meals will now be delivered three days a week in the morning. Instructional material packets will be delivered Monday afternoons at designated stops.
Parents and students are reminded to practice social distancing when picking up either boxed meals or instructional material, and to not crowd around buses, bus drivers, or employees delivering items.
The students’ meal program during the classroom closure is coordinated by Bullhead City Elementary and Colorado River Union High School Districts and Chartwells, the schools’ food service vendor. Meals are available to all children, not just those in the two districts. A recent change in federal regulations states students no longer have to be present if parents pick up meals on behalf of their children.