KINGMAN — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Kingman Field Office has completed an environmental assessment (EA) and is seeking public comment on the proposed issuance of a 10-year grazing permit on the Palmerita Ranch Allotment (DOI-BLM-AZ-C010-2023-0023-EA). Palmerita Ranch Allotment is located in La Paz and Mohave counties, Arizona. It is approximately 20 miles northwest of the town of Aguila and 7 miles east of Alamo Lake State Park. The EA includes analysis of five alternatives; four include different options for a grazing permit and a no grazing alternative is also included.
An application was submitted to the BLM Kingman Field Office to conduct livestock grazing operations on the allotment. The proposed action analyzed in the EA would issue a grazing permit for 10 years for upland and river use during certain times of the year and includes adaptive management. Alternative B is to issue a 10-year grazing permit with the same terms and conditions for upland and river use as the previous authorization which expired in 2001. Alternative C would issue the grazing permit for 10years and would include year-round upland use but no river use as part of the permit. Alternative D would change the Palmerita from a perennial/ephemeral allotment to ephemeral use only for 10 years. Alternative E is the no grazing alternative and under this alternative there would be no livestock grazing authorized on this allotment for a term of 10 years. Each alternative, except for Alternative E, would include reconstruction and repairs of existing range improvements and some alternatives also include new range improvements (fences and water facilities).
The EA is located on the BLM’s National NEPA register project webpage: Palmerita Ranch Allotment No. 00094 Permit Issuance Environmental Assessment
The public comment period is for 30 days, beginning on August 28, 2023, and ending September 30, 2023. Electronic comments may be submitted via the project webpage at the link shown above. Written comments may be submitted to BLM Kingman Field Office, 2755 Mission Blvd, Kingman, AZ 86401. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the EA, contact the BLM Kingman Field Office at 928-718-3700. If you have any project-related questions, please contact Leah Knighton, Rangeland Management Specialist, at lknighton@blm.gov, or at a 928-718-3700.
For further information please contact the Kingman Field Office at 928-718-3700.