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Who Killed the Democrat Party?

The once proud party of the working man has become a horrid travesty of an organization that once stood for solid, proud American values. It was, back then, representative of the deep seated desire of ordinary citizens to improve their personal lives and their personal financial position. These goals, they achieved by dint of hard work and dedication to the prospect of raising healthy, educated kids in safe, clean neighborhoods, in homes of their own. The “common man” was then represented by truly dedicated public servants who actually cared about their constituents more than they did their own fortunes. It was a formula that worked well for many years. People did work and they worked hard to get ahead little by little, but they did get ahead.

During that same period, however, there was a nasty, sniveling, devious whisper that “the people” were being taken advantage of and were being denied their rightful place in life. The provocateurs did everything they could to bring about dissatisfaction and distrust in the minds of the populace. That never ceasing drum beat of innuendo and smear and false accusation has grown ever more voluble and menacing until America’s citizens are hammered day and night with propaganda dressed up as news. People who have worked all their lives to achieve the American dream are now being told that they are oppressors because they have more than those who deliberately chose to be do-nothing, be-nothing parasites. The Poverty Pimps constantly preach the evils of self-determination and pride of accomplishment and the selfishness of those who work hard to get ahead.

The privileged elite lord it over all Americans with the attitude and the message that they are the only ones who are wise enough to decide how the common citizen’s life is to be lived. Their constant mantra is “Trust me, vote for me, work for my cause and I will give you ease and comfort and you will not have to work for it like your foolish grandfather did”. They continue to preach the idea of something for nothing and they never come up with an answer to the question of who will pay for it. Any sane householder can tell you that the only way to get something for nothing is to commit robbery. In this context, the robbery of the American citizen is going to be committed by those self-serving privileged leftist elite so they can give you back a very small portion of your own  money that they rake in and put in their bank accounts.

There are numerous easily recognizable Lords of High Tech who have made their successful climb to the pinnacle of success because of Capitalism in this country. Now that they rest comfortably on the heights of financial Mount Olympus, they seem determined to destroy America and the American way of life and are actively supporting, both emotionally and financially, those shrieking leftist harridans who have been dominating the media of late. The Democrat Party’s current front runners, the “squad” and their ilk have taken to heart, the dictum of Hitler’s propaganda minister, Dr. Josef Goebbels, i.e. “Tell any lie long enough and loud enough to enough people and it becomes the truth”. These people comprising “The Squad” are like monkeys in a tiny roadside zoo. What they are best at is screaming loudly and flinging their own dung at any target offending or opposing them.

Add to all the above, the paid Antifa thugs, those dangerous buffoons who claim to be anti-fascist, but who exhibit the exact same tactics and methods of intimidation and mayhem as those of Hitler’s fascist Brownshirts. These tactics include physically attacking innocent, harmless citizens, including aged senior citizens. They actively seek to cause massive disruption and fear by destroying vehicles and setting fire to buildings. Their goal is to create uncontrollable chaos.

Continuing in this vein, take a close look at the Political Correctness crowd, who have taken George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984” and put its lunacy into practice in ways even Orwell couldn’t imagine. Orwell described perfectly, the insanity of forbidden speech and its counterpart “Newspeak”.  Examine, if you will, the Manufactured Outrage industry, which gleefully leaps into action via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others and quickly stirs up a storm of wild commentary having very little relation to the supposed or imagined outrageous act that triggered the electronic eruption.

To the point of this, the question “Who Killed the Democrat Party?”, look at the insanity coming from the radical political left. The impossible claims of “Free” stuff for everyone and the gooney offers of “something for nothing” and the uncontrolled invasion from the south, Add the “We’re gonna Impeach the Motherf__er!” from the filthy mouth of congressperson Rashida Tlaib. Now there’s class for you! Take a close look at the signs carried by paid marchers comprising the “spontaneous” protests, look closely at the signs, bearing the legend “Printed by Revcom”. Who is Revcom? The Revolutionary Communist Party!

Pick up a dictionary and thesaurus and study the various iterations of the titles spewing from the mouths of their operatives and stooges, including the inimitable Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who loves to prattle on about “Democratic Socialism”. Look at the direct relationship between the terms Socialism, and the various other terms for the same ever-tragic failed and failing systems of government. You’ll find, per Mr. Webster, Marxist, Fabian, Social Democrat, Non-Capitalistic, Radical, Leftist, Commie, Red, State Socialism, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Collectivism, State Ownership of Production, Socialism, Party Government, State Controlled Government, Totalitarianism, Authoritarian State, State Rule, Stalinism, Leninism,  and on and on, ad infinitum.

This is what the radical leftists in our country want. They devoutly believe they will be in the power seats of the all-powerful central government of this country when they take over. They refuse to admit that the real Democrat citizens still live here as do the real Republican citizens, here in our America! The Communists may have killed the Democrat Party, but they have not killed America!

The Democrat Party of the hardworking American working man has been stolen from them and perverted into the Radical Leftist pro Communist Lunacy that it is today.

That is Who Killed the Democrat Party.

The Communists amongst us have come very close to taking over America. They are going to lose because we are still the greatest country ever seen on this earth. Let us hope the real Democrats will return to control of their party!

Jack Hommel


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