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What America First is and is not

Dear Editor,

Let’s start off the new year with an understanding of what the America First Committee is and is not.

I have revived and rejuvenated the original America First Committee of 1940 to give people a better organized movement than we now have. Join us to restore our de-jure Republic. Make “America First” daily and help unite our nation!

The America First Committee isn’t a political party. Think of it as a repair kit, educating “We The People” on how our country has been pieced apart by the globalist and showing them how to restore our de-jure Republic, county by county.

Our understanding of “America First” is profound and transformative.

“America First” is a lifestyle and must become the national mindset and worldview! This requires a mindset shift amongst “We The People.”

The “America First Committee” isn’t part of the “Conservative or Republican” moderate spectacle.

We aim to clarify the confusion caused by the two-party system.

We oppose dividing Americans into parties or teams, like red vs. blue or left vs. right.

Stability comes from unity of the people being in one mindset. This mindset must be a firm “America First” approach, not a secondary thought. It must become a “way of life.”

The “America First Committee” and the “America First movement” are not “collectivism” and do not accept this form of social order. The America First Committee and the America First movement is a “Social Order” of it’s own. You can only be in control of your destiny by changing your mindset to the “America First social order.”

You have already pledged your “duty” to “another political social order” that is “controlled opposition” to the “America First Committee and the America First movement.” You are not in control of your destiny as long as you support the “globalist social order.”

You will have to make a decision to escape this old political globalist social order by exchanging your old mindset to the “new America First social order mindset.” When you make the change you will have the freedom you seek.

The “America First” social order is explained in depth in our 2nd newsletter. Don’t be shy subscribe to our newsletter on our website. You will be very happy that you did.

By reading my book, “The America First Committee: A Blueprint For National Prosperity”, you will have the key to the problems we face with the “old political social order.” You also will be able to spot a globalist within a short time. My book gives the history of the beginning of the 1940 America First Committee and it’s goals then and now. You will understand what the America First Committee is all about and will help you understand what it means when it is said that “America First” must become the National Thought and World View of all Americans.

The “America First Movement” is not complete at this time because of the “infiltration” of the “globalist” and by “people hanging on to the old globalist social order mindset.” This in part is what is causing the division we see in the political realm.

The globalist state uses “We The People” for their benefit by making the people serve the state. The America First Committee believes and practices just the reverse that our Constitution puts the people first as in “The State Must Serve The People!”

The “globalist interventionist old social order mindset” is now being exposed and people are starting to see what has been happening for sometime in our political two party system.

By reading my book and going through the “included information” on our website and reading the newsletter you will see the ideology of the America First Committee as well as the ideology of the globalist. This will inspire you to start vetting not only the “old globalist social order mindset” but as well as the globalist their self’s.

This vetting starts and ends in everyone’s mind. Knowledge is power but also freedom. Once you know the truth the truth sets you free. Free from the “mental slavery” of the “old globalist social order.” 

You are the missing link for bring unity to America. You are invited to join us in restoring our de-jure Republic. See my ad with our website information in this newspaper.


America First Committee