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Utility bills, gasoline prices, and Ukraine

Dear Editor,

Most of us simply want peace in our lives, nation, and world. We enjoy resting in a warm or cool house with something to eat, free from worry and stress. Peace is not always easy. This winter, chances are that your heating bill was chomping on your checking account and taking a huge bite out of your income. You may have turned your thermostat down and wore extra layers hoping to cut back on literally burning up your money. 

People have reported gas and electric bills from $500 to over a $1,000 for one month of trying to stay comfortable in their homes. 

While you are attempting to stay warm or cool, you are wondering if you can afford to start your car. Americans are seeing gas prices dance between $4 and $6 for one gallon of gas. Filling up my old truck is pushing $150 at a time. When my wife goes to the grocery store, the same staples seem to cost more every time she goes. 

The current inflation is not only expensive but is chipping away at our peace. Peace? It’s hard to have peace if you go into cardiac arrest every time your utility bill arrives, you buy gasoline, or you go to the grocery store. If you are renting a place in America, then you have a further burden as some Americans are paying over $2,000 a month to rent a house, if they can find one to rent. 

Russia has destroyed Ukraine and has become a major player in driving up our cost of living. We were already experiencing inflation, but the entire planet is reacting to what Russia is doing to Ukraine. When and how will the murderous reign of Vladimir Putin end? We must hope and pray for an end to this evil. 

Unfortunately, the world is a difficult place for peace. The Bible assures us that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be pestilence, famine, and our hearts will fail us from fear. Thus, our peace must come from God who is greater than our problems. There is an internal strength and peace that comes when we focus our minds on Him. Currently millions of Ukrainians have nothing left but the shirts on their backs and whatever internal resolve and fortitude is keeping them going.

Our peace in America is very unsettling but compare your situation to millions of Ukrainians today. Pray for them and let us all give thanks for what we have. 

Dr. Glenn Mollette 

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