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Topock officer-involved shooting under investigation

TOPOCK – No one was struck or wounded during a Sunday gunfire exchange between a Mohave County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) deputy and a resident in Topock on Sunday, February 2. Deputies reportedly responded at 6:50 p.m. to a report of a disturbance at a home in the 5000 block of Aravaipa Pl.

Agency spokeswoman Anita Mortensen said an arriving deputy drew a gunshot from a male suspect who exited the residence.

“The deputy returned fire and the suspect retreated to the inside of the residence,” Mortensen said. “While backup deputies were responding, the suspect exited the residence without his firearm and was taken into custody.”

Edward Chemieski, 81, was charged with attempted second-degree murder.

The Kingman Police Department (KPD) will conduct an independent, outside investigation, common practice in Officer-Involved-Shootings (OIS). The involved deputy has been placed on paid administrative leave, which is also standard protocol in OIS incidents.

The name of the deputy and suspect involved are withheld as the KPD investigation continues.

Dave Hawkins