PHOENIX — There’s still time for Arizona hunters to take aim at some of the best wing-shooting opportunities the state has to offer — but the clock is ticking.
The general waterfowl season ends Jan. 31, 2024. In response to hunter requests, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) simplified the “2023-2024 Arizona Waterfowl and Snipe Regulations” and combined the previously designated “Mountain” and “Desert” zones into one statewide zone. That allowed for a later start date for the 107-day season (Oct. 23).
Circle Feb 11, 2024, on the calendar. That’s when the season closes for the state’s three main species — Gambel’s, scaled and Mearns’. The general bag limit is 15 quail per day in the aggregate, of which no more than eight may be Mearns’ quail.
The general possession limit is 45 quail in the aggregate, of which no more than 15 Gambel’s, scaled, Mearns’ or California quail in the aggregate may be taken in any one day. The 45-quail possession limit may include 24 Mearns’ quail, of which no more than eight may be taken in any one day.
In addition, hunters can harvest tree squirrels through Jan. 31, 2024; chukar through Feb. 11, 2024; and jackrabbits and cottontail rabbits through June 30, 2024.
As a reminder, all hunters 10 and older must possess a valid Arizona hunting or combination license. Those 18 and older also must possess an Arizona Migratory Bird Stamp ($5) to hunt waterfowl. Also, hunters 16 and older must possess a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp to hunt waterfowl.
For more information about hunting in Arizona, visit https://azgfdportal.az.gov/Hunting.