Dear Editor,
Mr. Goyeneche, again I have to agree, congress should amend tax laws politicians should not enter the institution paupers and exit millionaires. However, I am not suggesting millionaires be ‘punished for being successful.” I simply believe they should be made to pay their fair share of taxes. I believe it was Warren Buffet who commented he pays less taxes than his secretary. To me that is not equitable. Trump’s tax cuts allowed corporations to buy back shares of their own stocks. Lowe’s bought back ten billion dollars’ worth of their shares, then fired thousands of workers. As for foreign oil, the sources I checked say the oil would have come from Hardesty Saskatchewan, a Canadian source.
If you consider protecting the planet for future generations by cleaning up emissions from fossil fuels and other sources frivolous, then perhaps you will never own an electric vehicle. But to me this is not a radical agenda as you suggest, unless you have no children or grandchildren to care about the potential mess that we leave for them to solve.
The conservative Christian right politicians are the ones who would like to change Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs which help millions of Americans. Trump has said he is open to cuts to all three as well as other entitlements. So how can you claim to be Christian and restrict needed health care upon which these individuals rely. We will see if Trump is found guilty of hiding a payoff to an adult actress or not, but it mystifies me how Christians can support, and condone such acts.
The border issue is another problem. The fact remains there was a bipartisan approval and it was killed by a single individual. We will therefore, never know if it would have been successful, will we? Which brings to mind the Canadian/United State border. Is it possible ill-intentioned people are coming through that border undetected? Or is it just the people with dark skin tones that seem to concern so many of us?
Nancy Pelosi is not in charge of Capitol security. The Capitol Police Board oversees U.S. Capitol police, so blame for lack of security needs to be placed there. And as I related before why would anyone suspect a less than peaceful transfer of leadership. I shouldn’t need to remind you that Pelosi was the one they were after, as well as Mike Pence. But I suppose they were just good old boys having some fun that day. Challenging the result of an election is one thing but trying to overturn a fair election is another. The rabid right went after Hillary Clinton and found nothing, now they have set their sights on Biden, and all they have uncovered so far is his son was a drug addict, with a questionable past.
Lloyd Dickson