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Weekend of festive fun kicks up Havasu holiday

The Shepherds of New Hope Calvary Church's 22nd

Children spent up to an hour and a

A Christmas photo booth was provided for families

Dealing with the challenges of Christmas

Dr. Glenn Mollette  Christmas is a joyful season

Mingle-Jingle Christmas Bazaar and Street of Lights winners

Jenelle Buck and the Swire Coca-Cola Polar Bear.

Christmas concert set for Dec. 21

KINGMAN – The Mohave Community Orchestra and Mohave

Government is the Problem

Dear Editor, For almost 18 months, I have

Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

This nation has an uphill battle

Dear Editor, Poor Donald J. Trump and family, ousted from public housing, the shame! At last Americans have had it. Since the spineless Senate politicians would not vote to impeach Trump, it was left up to the people to finally say enough. Time for a change to civility and a little compassion, time to heal the malignancy allowed to fester by this administration and get over our worldwide embarrassment! Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio all know what Donald Trump was after their debates. As soon as they found out Trump’s vicious vindictive nature, they all became sycophants, afraid…

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