Bullhead City offers free swim lessons for parent/child, levels I and II

Bullhead City and the Kiwanis Club of Bullhead City, Morning, Community Service Foundation are excited to announce the 18th year of offering swim lessons to the youth of Bullhead City. Swim lessons are a great way to introduce children, as young as six months, to good water safety habits and prevent drowning – a top cause of death among children. Thanks to the partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Bullhead City, Morning, Community Service Foundation, Parent & Child, Level One- Introduction to Water Skills and Level Two – Fundamental Aquatic Skills are offered free of charge. The Kiwanis Club has contributed more than $130,000 and provided lessons for over 6,500 children in our local area.
Swim sessions are two weeks long. Classes are held for half an hour each day of the session, and offered at six different times for parents’ convenience. Each class is limited to six participants. Registration for the first session will be held on Friday, May 24. Instructors and pool management will be at the Suddenlink Center, 2380 Suddenlink Way, from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. taking registration for all morning lessons. Evening lesson registration begins at 5:30 p.m. and will conclude at 8:30 p.m. There is a $20 fee for those registering children in levels three, four, or five, stroke development, improvement, and refinement, respectively. Spots are limited and available to the first to arrive. A waitlist will be established. Parents unable to attend session one will have three other sessions that run through the summer available. Please visit https://www.bullheadcity.com/departments/recreation-division/aquatics to get the full swim lesson schedule.
For more information, call Kristen Williams, Pool Manager, at 928-763-9400, x294.