MOHAVE COUNTY- A number of elected officials in northwest Arizona are upset with Governor Doug Ducey’s decision to extend his Stay at Home executive directives to mid-May.
“I am disappointed that he essentially pushed this out another two weeks and I’m concerned that our folks will go another two weeks without being able to make a living,” said member Ron Gould during Thursday’s special Mohave County Board of Supervisors meeting. “Americans are not going to tolerate a lock down that’s not tight enough to stop the spread of the virus.”
Supervisor Hildy Angius announced that she and the three local lawmakers have signed a letter mostly drafted by District 5 representative Leo Biasiuci. One excerpt asserts that some coronavirus restrictions in play in Arizona discriminates within the business community.
“How do we justify allowing hundreds of people to be in Walmart but a salon with three customers must be closed. Explain to me why someone can buy jewelry at Sams Club or Target but a small jewelry store is not deemed essential and must be closed,” the letter states. “The Stay at Home order had flaws from the beginning because it allowed for government to pick winners and losers and the biggest loser has been the small businesses.”
Angius and Gould have expressed their view that Mohave County should prepare a roadmap of restrictions and guidelines for operation once businesses are allowed to reopen.
Sheriff Doug Schuster also expressed disappointment with extension of the Stay at Home order. While urging all citizens and businesses to accept personal responsibility to comply with personal hygiene and social distance advice, Schuster said citizens need not worry about overzealous enforcement from his department.
“It is my job to ensure that their freedoms and liberties are safeguarded. I am not going to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens that are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table,” Schuster said. “We at the sheriff’s office are not going to be the social distancing police.”
Schuster said his deputies will not be citing or arresting people for being non compliant with social distance, group assembly and restaurant activity.
The sheriff’s stance drew compliment from Gould and Angius.
“Thank you so much for erring on the side of the Constitution and liberty,” Angius said. “That’s what Mohave County is. It’s who we are. It’s in our DNA.”
Supervisor Gary Watson repeated his concern that area lakes and rivers are inundated with visitors, many of them likely COVID-19 infected, while county residents are asked to stay home. Both he and supervisor Buster Johnson also expressed support for following the Governor’s directives as much as possible.
Johnson, in particular, expressed concern that defiance could have state shared revenue repercussions for Mohave County.
The board directed staff to use the Biasuci letter as a template to prepare another letter that Mohave County would use as a position paper to send to the Governor and state lawmakers. The letter will be reviewed, and possibly amended, before possibly being adopted for distribution during Monday’s Board meeting.
- Dave Hawkins
These elected officials are very narrow minded. The only reason we have so few cases in our county is that we have been staying home and staying safe. It is evident that he will begin slowly reopening business, with certain safeguards. These officials should realize just by looking at the Californians flocking here to Lake Havasu to recognize that some of the public doesn’t have the common sense they were born with.
Thanks to our sheriff for defenfing our rights. Arizona needs to get back to business. Too many of its citizens are losing out!
We agree the extension should end may 4th and all small businesses should open as well as Casinos.
People are fed up with Government nonsense especially when the numbers are so low and going down..
If you want to continue practicing space that is fine but don’t require masks to be worn when Congress and Our President as well as Doctors agree they do little good unless your sick to not share with others then wear a mask..
Basically use Common Sense..
How many store clerks have gotten sick and how many people do they deal with from different areas ??
I agree. Small businesses are in jeopardy of closing. Be smart, let them open. If the boat launches remain open to an overflowing crowd from Cali and elsewhere, it only makes sense to open up. Those who live in fear can do as they are doing and continue to stay home. Let’s save our hard working small businesses with common sense!
This is the first time in World history that we have asked healthy people to quarantine instead of quarantining only the sick. Our immune systems work by being exposed to “bugs” throughout our lives so our bodies can build immunity to the bad bugs. So having these facts we should do as we always have and live our lives as free people. Do what we need to do for ourselves, and embrace our right to individual freedoms for all without infringement on others freedoms. Please use common sense.