Police and water rescue personnel are seen accepting two additional pallets of water from Safeway Store Director Cheryl Coolis, Assistant Store Director Larry Wagner, Customer Service Manager Carla Tranum, Deli Manager Dawn Rogers, Grocery Clerk Eugenio Cifelli, and Checker Mike Newman Jr. Notably, Mike Newman Jr.’s father was a founding officer at the Bullhead City Police Department (BHCPD). Mike Jr. has been instrumental in generating the most donations for the past two years.
BULLHEAD CITY – With temperatures soaring and a hot summer forecast ahead, staying hydrated is crucial for everyone in the community. As local first responders, Bullhead City Police are immensely grateful to the community for their generous donations of bottled water through the Bullhead City Safeway.
Safeway facilitated customer donations at checkout as part of a summer hydration program, resulting in over 11 pallets of bottled water being provided to local first responders, schools and shelters. This incredible community support ensures that first responders remain well-prepared to handle the extreme heat. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Safeway and the Bullhead City community for their unwavering support.